Crucible of Civilization Video

I was not in class today because I was sick, but I watched the video we were assigned to watch in class. The video was about the Greeks. It talked about how many nations the Greeks defeated. many of these nations were much bigger than they were. In 508 BC, Athens, the people turned on their ruler and demanded freedom. Cleisthenes saw that these people should be free. He thought that they should rule their government. Cleisthenes was born around 570 BC into one of the richest families in Greece. Cleisthenes grew up in privilege. Cleisthenes was taught that he was an aristocrat. In 6 century BC, the aristocrats controlled many things. Many people wouldn't believe in years, Athens, Greece would be so powerful. Athens was poor. The houses were not fancy, and life was simple. Men would work in the field. Women would cook, clean, and weaving. They did not have much education, not many people could read or write. There was no science or medicine. Life expectancy at birth was less than 15 years. Life was tough for the Greeks. People were not equals in Greece. The aristocrats were way above the common people. 


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