A message to Garcia 1899 blog

Today in class we talked about two different things. First about the struggles of high school and second about an essay written in 1899 called A Message to Garcia. Both topics that we discussed had a connection and were similar. In the essay it talks about a man, Garcia, who is nowhere to be found and he needs to get a message. One man, Rowan, accepts the task with no questions, frustrations, or getting upset. He ended up finding Garcia and delivering the message. This can relate to the other topic we talked about, the struggles of high school, in many ways. The essay is telling the readers that in today’s world there are not many people who would volunteer or accept a task without complaining. Many people would ask questions or tell someone else to do it. We can remember this and try to accept our tasks every day without complaining or getting frustrated. We need to be more like Rowan. 


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