Mercator vs. Peters Map
Today in class we were assigned to find the differences between the Mercator Projection Map and the Peters World Map. From my research I discovered:
- It is actually an inaccurate map of the world and the measurement are wrong
- Green Land is much smaller and Africa is much larger than is shown on this map
- Shows U.S.A much larger than it is, some people think it’s because they want you to see it first
- A more accurate display of the world and all the measurements
- Helps to visually see where everything is
The Mercator map has been around for much longer than the Peters map. The Mercator map was created in 1569. So, it is a little outdated and can be understandable that is has some flaws considering there wasn't much technology back then. The Peters map was created in 1974. So, considering that in the 1970's had much ore technology then in the 1560's ten the Peters Map in more accurate.
Mercator Map Peter's Map

Mercator Map Peter's Map
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