
Today in class we watched a video of a Swedish guy named Hans Rosling. In the short video he talked about life expectancy, income, grown old decreasing economies all around the time of 1810 to 2009. It was cool how he explained the data. He was very excited to talk about economies. He showed a chart that had life expectancy on the vertical left side and income on the horizontal bottom line. In 1810 most of the people in the world were poor and sick. the life expectancy for most countries was below 40. As time went on, the life expectancy and income increased for most countries. Around 1910-1920 some countries life expectancy dropped because of illness. In 1948 the difference in life expectancy, income, and economies were the greatest. At the time the U.S.A. was one of the best economy countries. By 2009, a lot of countries moved more towards better economy on the chart. The video helped me learn more about the economies in a different way. 


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