Review for test

Today in class we reviewed for our test tomorrow. We reviewed for our test by looking over the PowerPoint, taking about what was on each slide, going over vocab, and remembering what to study to prepare. To prepare myself the best I’m probably going to review y vocab worlds and look over my notes. I will probably also look at my blog to see if I missed anything. I understand the birth rate, death rate, migration, immigrants, and emigrants. The equation to find the net migration rate is death rate subtracted from the birth rate. I think I should study the chart of population over time because I am not sure the exact dates when we reached 1-7 billion. I think I am familiar with the reasons why women live longer than men. The reasons are that women go to the doctors more often, they are more concerned with their health, usually don't do as reckless things as men, and usually don't have as dangerous jobs. I think I am ready for the test, but I still need to study some things. 


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