Test Score

Today in class we watched a video, took notes, and went over part of our test. The video was cool. It was about the population pyramid. The population pyramid shows the population of a place in a specific way. The information is divided by female and male. Female is on one side and male is on the other. Next to the gender shows the population of each gender in the place.  The ages are grouped by 0-14 as pre reproductive, 15-44 as reproductive, and 45 + as post reproductive. Th population pyramid can be used to predict a country's future and see the record of its past. The other part of class we talked about some of our test. I got an 88 but it ended up being a 90 because I got one bonus question right. I am happy with my grade. Everything that I got wrong were things that I didn’t know, like population pyramid. I think I studied well. 


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