Test Review

Today in class we reviewed for our test on Monday. We watched the video about population pyramids again to refresh our memories and we also took some notes on the video. I am glad we watched the video again because I learned that on the population pyramid, men are on the left and women are on the right. the population pyramid is divided into sections. Age 0-14 id the pre reproductive, 15-44 is reproductive, and 45+ is post reproductive. In the video they also showed 3 country's population pyramids. Japan, Canada, and Rwanda. Japan's population pyramid was long at the stop and smaller towards the bottom, meaning their population is decreasing. Canada's population pyramid was mostly the same length, but smaller at the bottom, this means that their population might start to decrease soon. Rwanda’s population pyramid was like the opposite of Japan. It was smaller at the top and long as it went down, this means that their population is increasing. In class we also watched Jeopardy. To study for the test, I will probably review my notes, look at the PowerPoint, and watch any videos we saw in class.  


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