Geographic luck

Today in class we finished watching the rest of Guns, Germs, and Steel. In this last part of the video, we learned about was were the domesticated animals were from. None of them were from New Guinea, but 1 (the llama) is from South America and the other 13 are from Asia, Europe, and North Africa. This is an example of geographic luck. People who lived in Asia, Europe, and North Africa were geographically lucky because they were able to use animals to do work for them. Over the years, animals have been shipped to other countries. There never used to be any cows in North America, but now there are a lot. Other places, like Papua New Guinea have a geographical disadvantage when it comes to animals. They didn't have animals to plow their field or provide them with food. This leads to Diamond’s theory that places are more developed not because of their knowledge, but of geographic luck. 


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