Hammurabi's Code

Today in class we took some more notes on the PowerPoint. We talked about the civilization in Mesopotamia. We learned about how Sumer was conquered by the Akkadians in 2350 B.C. Then how the Akkadian forced the people to worship their Gods. We also learned about Hammurabi's Code. Hammurabi's Code was a series of laws (282 laws). We looked up the list of laws and discovered that many of these laws were very specific and violent. Some examples are:

"209. If a man strikes a free-born woman so that she loses her unborn child, he shall pay ten shekels for her loss.
210. If the woman dies, his daughter shall be put to death.
211. If a woman of the free class loses her child by a blow, he shall pay five shekels in money.
212. If this woman dies, he shall pay half a mina." 
- This is saying that if a man hits a pregnant women and she loses her child, then he has to pay 10 shekels, but if she dies, then her daughter has to die, or if she survives, but the child dies, he has to pay 5 shekels. 


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