Papua New Guinea

Today in class we watched more of the Guns, Germs, and Steel video. In the video they said 3 things that all great civilizations have in common which are advanced technology, Large populations, and a well-organized work growth. For civilization to thrive and succeed they will probably need all these three things. Something interesting that I learned was that there are still some very small parts of the world were pope live how they lived 13,000 years go. One of those places is Papua New Guinea. What I found most interesting was that the outside of Papua New Guinea is living live the 20th/21st century. Some of ways that the hunters and gatherers survive inside of Papua New Guinea is by cutting down and eating Sago trees. Hunting is not a fast-enough way of getting food to feed a town or family, so women cut down a Sago tree and scrape out the edible pars and make food out of it. It takes bout 3-4 days to prepare. It’s amazing that people still live this way and can survive naturally with no modern technology. 


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