Allegory of the cave video

Today in class we watched a video about the allegory of the cave. I thought that the video explained the allegory of the cave well because we were able to put the words to pictures and get the full idea of what Plato meant. Plato was trying to show that the cave people believed that if you paid attention to the shadows on the walls, you will succeed. This relates to school because if we study what we are taught, we will get better grades. He shows how people are told what to believe, instead of doing what they think is right. To compare to life, the shadows on the walls were like the internet. The internet doesn't show the full reality of the world, just like how the shadows were not showing the full reality of the world until one man stepped outside the cave and saw the real world for the first time. The allegory of the cave can have many meanings. I think this allegory really makes you have a whole new perspective on life. 


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