More Powerpoint notes

Today in class we took more notes on the PowerPoint. This part of the PowerPoint talked about the Mycenaeans, the Trojan War, the Dorians, and Homer. The Mycenaeans were located in Peloponnesus. They dominated Greece from 1600-1100 B.C. They invaded Crete and absorbed the Minoan culture in 1400 BC. The Trojan War was important time in history, but some people did not believe it happened, but evidence was found that proved that it did happen. In 1200 BC the mysterious sea people invaded Mycenae. Then the Dorians moved into the war-torn region and dominated from 1150-750 BC. They were less advanced, the trade-based economy collapsed, writing disappeared for 400 years, the economy declined. Homer was an old, blind, storyteller. he led in the Greek Dark Ages. he composed epics about the Trojan War. Some of his most famous epics are the Iliad and the Odyssey. Some people don't believe that Homer existed, but other believe he existed. 


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