Questions 1, 3, 4, 5

Today in class we read and took more notes on pages 120-126. I finished taking notes. When we were done with our notes, we had to do questions, 3, 4, and 5 from our textbook.

1. Mycenaean - The Mycenaean culture settled in Greece around 2000 B.C. and dominated Greece. 
    Trojan War - a war fought around 1200 B.C. when the army, led by the Mycenaean King, attacked the city of Troy
    Dorian - a group of people who migrated into the mainland Greece after the destruction of the Mycenean civilization, and after their arrival, trade began to stop. The Greeks also had no written records during the Dorian Age. 
    Homer - was the greatest storyteller and he was blind. He wrote many great things. 
    Epic - a long narrative poem celebrating the deeds of legendary or traditional heroes 
    Myth - a traditional story about Gods, ancestors, or heroes, told t. explain the nature world or the customs and beliefs of a society. 

3. The impact of nearness to the sea had on the development of Greece was that they didn't need to travel very far to reach the coastline. Trade was also easier. 

4. The aspect pf culture that the Myceneans adopts from the Minoans was trade by sailing. They also adapted Minoan writing system to Greek language and decorated vases with Minoans designs. The Minoans influenced the core of Greek religious practice, art, politics, and literature. 

5. The epics were important to the Greeks of the Dorian period because they didn't have a writing system, so they were their only way of communication and knowledge.  


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