
Today in class we took our test. I thought I was well prepared for the test, but I did not do very well. I got a 56/75 (74%). I didn't think I did that bad after I took it, but I wasn't sure about 1/2 of my answers. Since we haven't got our tests back, I don't know what problems I got wrong, but I think I might know which ones they are. I was unsure about one of the questions that I answered with Gilgamesh and I think I think I answered cascade instead of cataract for the rapids question. After we took the test, we took notes and read pages 120-126 in our textbook. This section is about Greece. I wasn't able to finish all the pages, but I did most of it. So far, this section has talked about the land, the climate, the water, and the temperatures. It also talked about the Mycenaeans in Greece. Hopefully I will do well on our test for this section. 


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