Comparing the plague of Athens and the corona virus

Today is cyber day 9. We were assigned to research the Plague of Athens during the Peloponnesian War and compare it to the COVID-19 pandemic happening right now. From what I found; the Plague of Athens started in 430 B.C.  and lasted until 426 B.C. The Peloponnesian War lasted from 431 B.C. to 404B.C., so Athens was already in war when the plague broke out. When the plague started Athens under siege from Sparta. The plague weakened Athena’s abilities to fight the war, but they stayed strong. They did end up losing though.  Some of the symptoms of the plague were high fever, rash, and diarrhea. This is similar to the coronavirus because one symptom is a high fever. Another similarity is that it spread quickly, and badly effected Athens. The corona virus is spreading very quickly and it has affected everyone so we have had to make extreme changes in our lives. Another similarity is how all of Athens was affected by the plague, and the corona virus has affected the entire world. I just hope that the corona virus doesn't last as long as the plague did. 


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