Corona Virus talk

Today in class we talked about the corona virus. We talked about cyber days, the length of time we will get out, the right way to be sanitary, how to stay healthy, and what the virus is/the symptoms. While talking in class we did not know if/when we were going to get out of school and start cyber days. As of tonight, we were told that we are starting cyber days on March 16 and continuing them until March 27, that is a total of 2 weeks. At first when I heard this, I didn't think much of it because we talked about possibly getting out for a month or 2 in class. I was excited until I realized that we might even get longer if the virus spreads faster. I hope we get back before spring break so we can enjoy it. In class we also discussed how to properly wash our hands so we can stay healthy to prevent rising numbers of infected people. I am anxious to hear what our cyber days will be like. I wonder if we will have to start classes at 8 or just given assignments to finish by the end of the day. 


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