Ancient Greek theater

This is our third week in cyber school, and today we were assigned to answer three questions about the Ancient Greek theater. 

1. The kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of Ancient Greece were tragedy and comedy. A tragedy was a serious drama about love, hate, war, or betrayal. In these plays, there was often a hero in the story. A comedy was a more lighthearted drama filled with humor. In comedies, they would often make fun of politics and important people.

2. a. I have been involved with a couple plays/productions and dance recitals in my life and they do have some similarities to the greek theater. The greek theater is described as using colorful costumes, masks, and sets for dramatic effects. They also often included a chorus, dancers, singers, and poetry. When I was in middle school, I was involved with the plays in 6th and 7t grade. In those plays some used a chorus off to the side to help the actors for the songs, we had choreographed dances throughout the performance, we had many different costumes, and cool sets. It interesting had similar the greek theater was to the plays I have performed in.

3.Ancient Greek Theater and the Monumental Amphitheaters in Honor of ...
This is a picture of an Ancient Greek Theater. The structure is like half a circle which is similar to how many stages are built today. The theater is outside and very big. In the picture you can see two people in the middle which can help you get a perspective of how bug the theater was.


  1. Wow! You had the equivalent of the Greek chorus - in middle school! Hats off to your director!


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