Pg. 160-165 notes

Today we were assigned to take notes on Pg. 160-165 in our textbook.

Problems in Rome:
- increasing wealth
- expanding boundaries
- breakdown in military order
This led to a shakeup of the republic and a new political system

Rich and Poor
- gap getting bigger between rich and poor
- by 100 BC enslaved people made up 1/3 of Rome's population
- small farmers couldn't compete with the big estates so they sold their farms to wealthy landowners
- after selling land many were homeless and jobless
- most joined the urban poor which is a group that make sup 1/4 or the Roman society
- wealthy landowners were getting richer

Tiberius and Gauis Gracchus
- tried to help the urban poor
- wanted to limits size of wealthy estates to give land to the poor
- Tiberius died in 133 BC
- Gaius died in 121 BC

Civil War - big war between groups in the same country

- generals were taking over with poor follower to whom they promised money in return

Julius Caesar
- elected counsel in 59 BC
- very successful in Gaul
- he was ordered to take his legions home but he disobeyed and defeated Pompey's army in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt
- he returned in 46 BC
- named dictator for life in 44 BC
- granted roman citizenship to many people
- expanded the senate
- helped poor
- died on march 15 44 BC from being stabbed to death because of other fear of his power

Taking control
- In 43 BC Julis teaser 18 year old grandnephew, adopted son Octavian, experienced general Mark Antony, and a powerful politican Lepidus toke control of Rome for 10 years as the second triumvirate
- that ended in rivalry

- forced Lepidus to retire
-rivals with mark antony
- accused mark Antony of plotting against Rome with Egypt which started a civil war
- 31 BC he defeated atony and Cleopatra forces
- then mark Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide

Rome at peace
Rome at peace between bigwig of Augustus rule 27 BC - 180 AD
Pax Romana - Roman peace

- stabilized frontier
- glorified Rome
- created system of gov. that lasted centuries
- set up a civil service
- he died in 14 AD

- slavery was very important in Rome
- household work slaves treated better than farm slaves
- more than 1 million slaves died trying to get freedom

Gods and Godesses
- numina was the early worship
- Lares were guardians to each family

- rich lived good while most people in Rome couldnt afford to eat
- gov. gave poor people rations of grain everyday
- many forms of entertainment in the Colosseum
- Christianity was being practiced during Pax Romana in Rome


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