Letter to Future Self

Ashleigh Eyler 

Letter to Future Self

Dear future me, 
Hey, I am writing you this letter on June 4, 2020. I am currently 14 years old and my last day of my freshman year in high school is tomorrow June 5. This year has been crazy so far and so much has happened. I only got to experience about 2/3 of my freshman year due to the corona virus. We were told that we would take a two-week break at home to help stop spread the corona virus on Friday, March 13,2020. We haven’t gone back to school since. It has been 2 and ½ months doing school from home because of the corona virus. I was excited at first because who doesn’t love a break from school, but over these months I have grown to miss my friends, so I hope I can go back for my sophomore year. Corona virus also ruined my competition season which is normally March – July. That is my favorite time of the year because that is when I make the best memories with my dance friends and I have a lot of fun. We were supposed to go and compete at nationals in Ocean City for a week with our friends, but that was just recently cancelled. Along with the corona virus, our entire country is full of protestors and riots due to the black lives matter movement. Many cities and states have been destroyed and burned down. It is getting out of hand. I really hope that all of these tragedies will end soon, and we can have the best year ever in the rest if 2020. I am so sexcited for summer 2020. We are planning on going to the beach with just Alex and our dad on Father’s Day weekend, which is Friday, June 19th - Sunday, June 21st. Even though competitions and nationals were cancelled we are going to try to go to our condo in Ocean city as much as we can because we are trying to sell it. Hopefully that means lots of vacations to the beach this summer. I am also excited for my birthday because I am going to be 15. Ahh I can’t believe it. I also hope to make so many good memories in sophomore year to make up for lost time in my freshman year. It will be the best year ever. I hope everything is well in the future. Am I living in my dream house near the beach? Do I live near my sister? What job do I have? Am I married? Do I have kids? How are my parents? How is life? Am I happy? Anyways, I will make sure to make these years the best of my life so I can look back while I read this in the future and smile remembering all the fun times I had and the memories I made after I wrote this letter. 

14 year old me 


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