Greek definitions in class

Agora - a public space used for gathering places, assemblies, and markets. It was the center of athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life in the city/state. 

Polis -  a city state in ancient Greece, used for philosophical purposes. Political entities rued by their bodies of citizens.. origin of the word politics.

The Importance of the year 508 BC to the ancient Greeks - In Athens, a democracy was born and was introduced by Cleisthenes. This was a great accomplishments of the Greek culture and it was very important. It was first time in recorded history that people revolted against their rulers. Since then the United States, France, China, Russia, Iran, Egypt, and many more have revolted against their ruler.

Socrates – a classical Greek philosopher who is one of the founders of Western philosophy. He was also one of the first moral philosophers of the Western ethical tradition of thought.

The Death of Socrates – Socrates was convicted of corrupting the youth of Athens because of all of his ideas of strange Gods. He was sentenced to die because of his ideas. He considered his death a final lesson to kids. 

The Socratic Method –is the method of inquiry and instruction that Socrates created in the dialogues of Plato. It consists of a series of questioning the object of which is to elicit a clear and consistent expression of something supposed to be implicitly known by all rational beings. A form of corporative argument, dialogue, and making an answering questions to stimulate critical thinking. 

What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot – In greek they were calling you an idiot because you were self centered and you didn't care or participate. It didn't mean that you were stupid it just meant that you avoided the public.  


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