My first day at JC

My experience today consisted of feeling anxious, tried, and excited. I didn't just have the experience of a new school, but I also had the experience of my first day in high school. In the beginning of the day I was anxious and overwhelmed. As my day went on I got to know my teachers and how my classes were going to be like. One of my favorite classes was probably health and wellness or my off mod. I had never had an off mod before in my other school so it was a new experience for me. In honors Human Geography I liked my seat I was given. I wasn't to far back and I wasn't in the very front. I feel like I can focus really well in my seat. I also liked the lights in the room, it was really calming and I felt like I could relax and just focus on my school work. I had a good day, and I feel ready for the rest of the year.


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