CIA World Factbook

Today in class we went over our answers for our questions in last night's blog. By going over our answers we also learned more about the CIA world Facebook. The CIA world fact book is a great tool for most answers you have about the world and facts about countries. It tells you everything from the population of each country to the economy, money, religious groups, race, migration, and many more things. I think the questions last night helped me get more familiar with the CIA world Facebook because I had to look up different countries and charts to find my answers. I also learned a lot about our world from the CIA world Facebook. I learned that we aren't the wealthiest country. We aren't even top 5 or 10. I also didn’t know that India was the big or had that many people. India is the second most populated country in the world. China is the first, but I already knew that. China and India together make up about 1/3 of our world population and those are only 2 countries. I will use the CIA world factbook for more information and questions. 


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