Migration (late blog)

Today in class we talked mostly about migration. We discussed immigration, emigration, and hoe they are different. Immigration is an excess of persons entering the country. Emigration is an excess of persons leaving the country. Immigration is written as a positive number and emigration is written as a negative number. We also learned what net migration rate means. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year. We talked about migration a lot because it is a big issue in our country and other countries. Immigration is a big problem in the U.S.A. and emigration is a big problem in Mexico. Many Mexicans are leaving their county to come to ours which causes our population to increase and Mexico's population to decrease. Some reasons why people would want to leave their country would be if a war was happening, employment wasn’t high, because of a religious problem, and more. Some reasons why people would want to go to another county would be if the country has better economic opportunity, better health services, religious freedom, political freedom, and more. Migration impacts our life and population every day. 


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