Tests back

Today we got our test back and went over them. I was satisfied with my grade of a 78%. I was not surprised by that grade because I was not confident with some of the questions when I took the test. I don't think the questions were hard, I just didn't remember the relative and the absolute location questions. One thing that I did feel was unfair, was that our class did not go over some of the slides that were on the test. The questions that I did not feel confident with, were the ones on the slides that we did not go over. Most of the other questions on the test that were on the slides we went over, I felt more confident about. I also feel that the question about the 93 degrees north was unfair because I didn’t know that the map only went to 90 degrees north and South. I also agree that I should have known that information already, but I didn’t. I am excited though that we are getting point for 2 questions that many people struggled with. 


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