
Showing posts from September, 2019

Latitude and Longitude

Today in class we learned about grids, latitude, and longitude. We talked about how geography is the study of where things are found on Earth's surface and how a map is a two dimensional or flat-scale model of Earth's Surface. A very important part of maps are cartographers because they make maps. An old and important Greek cartographer was Eratosthenes. He created a map around 195 BCE, and it was used for many years after it was made. We also discussed the difference between latitude and longitude. Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north and south position of a point on Earth's surface. They are imaginary lines running parallel to the equator. They’re used to measure the distance in degrees North and South of the equator. Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies east and west position. They are imaginary lines circling the Earth and running through the poles. Thy are used to measure the distance in degrees east and west. Latitude and longit...


Today in class we talked about the other half of our discussion from yesterday. Yesterday we talked about site, and today we talked about situation. Situation is the location of a place relative to other places. It is a valuable way to indicate location. Situation is very useful to geographers because it helps us to find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with an unfamiliar one. It also helps us understand the importance of a location. Many areas are more important if it has better location, land, and different features that people want. When we talk about an area, we identify it by its important buildings, streets, and other landmarks to direct people to the desired location. Different features of an area are what make it unique and special. This means that the situation of an area depends on whether or not it is desired by people. This also means that the situation of an area is very important. 

Site and Situation

Today in class we started learning about something different. We drifted away from maps, and we started talking about how geographers describe where things are located. Geographer use site and situation, we talked about site today. Site is the physical character of a place. Some examples of site are climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. When selecting a place or settlement, it's important to consider all the facts of land. Like deciding if you want a hilltop, river, easy transportation, farmland, town area, busy, or quiet. The features of a land are what make is special and distinct. Some people may not like all the attributes in a land, so they can modify any parts of a land to their liking. Many major locations and areas have been modified by humans to make them look the way they want them too. One place that was modified was Boston and Tokyo have been expanded through the years by filling in local bays and changing their sites. This appl...

Timed Maps

North and Central America Map:  South America Map: 

Mercator vs. Peters Map

Today in class we were assigned to find the differences between the Mercator Projection Map and the Peters World Map. From my research I discovered: Mercator:  - It is actually an inaccurate map of the world and the measurement are wrong - Green Land is much smaller and Africa is much larger than is shown on this map - Shows U.S.A much larger than it is, some people think it’s because they want you to see it first Peters:  - A more accurate display of the world and all the measurements  - Helps to visually see where everything is The Mercator map has been around for much longer than the Peters map. The Mercator map was created in 1569. So, it is a little outdated and can be understandable that is has some flaws considering there wasn't much technology back then. The Peters map was created in 1974. So, considering that in the 1970's had much ore technology then in the 1560's ten the Peters Map in more accurate.   vs.      ...


Today's class was similar to yesterday's class, but more in detail but our topics. I found that watching the video we saw yesterday again, helped me to really understand what was happening in the video and how it can relate to what we are learning in class. The video combined with what we ave been learning about the Mercator and Peter's map, made realize a different way of looking at the idea of flipping the map upside down. In the video it shows the map flipped upside down as if it was turned 180 degrees, but what if instead of turning it around, you just flipped it. This means that everything will still be upside down, but America will still be on the left and Europe and Australia with still be on the right. This would still make Australia on the top, but we will still be in the same spot we always were. It’s like a compromise. 

Difference in maps

Today's class was different from any other human geography class that I have had. What I learned today, changed my views on the world in a geographical way. We learned that the map we have probably been using all our life to picture the world, is wrong. The map that has been used by many people, but is wrong, is the Mercator map. The map that was recreated to be more accurate is the Peter map. We learned that when looking at the Mercator map, it shows that all longitudes were the same length all the way around which isn’t true. The only accurate longitude measurement is at the equator. The distance around the earth gets smaller when you go closer to the top and bottom. I also learned that the most accurate map you can have in a globe. It has all the right measurements and you can see the world from all different angles. 


I was not in school today, I wasn't feeling well.


Today in class we finished up Socrates and his methods. I had no idea that the scientific method was from his method or that he introduced many different other methods. We learned that in 508 BC, was the first rebellion against a ruler. Then came many more afterward. Apparently, Socrates would meet with young students in workshops outside the agora to teach them his ways. He would ask them questions to know what their beliefs were and their knowledge. Socrates would teach about his ways which got young people thinking and questioning all of the knowledge they have ever been taught or learned. Many people saw this a s a threat and because of this he was sentenced to death for corruption of Athen’s youth and not believing in the gods. Even though he had the chance to escape before dying he refused. One of his quotes is “The unexamined life is not worth living.” 

Greek definitions in class

Agora - a public space used for gathering  places , assemblies, and markets. I t was  the center of athletic, artistic, spiritual and  political  life in the city/state.  Polis -  a city state in ancient Greece, used for philosophical purposes. Political entities rued by their bodies  of citizens.. origin of the word politics. The Importance of the year 508 BC to the ancient Greeks -  In Athens, a democracy was born and was introduced by Cleisthenes. This was a great accomplishments of the Greek culture and it was very important. It was first time in recorded history that people revolted against their rulers. Since then the United States, France, China, Russia, Iran, Egypt, and many  more have revolted against their ruler. Socrates –  a classical Greek philosopher who is one of the founders of Western philosophy. He was also one of the first moral philosophers of the Western ethical tradition of thought. The Death of Socrate...

Initiative and Arete

Today in class today we learned about initiative and about arete. I learned that initiative is doing the right thing without being told – Elbert Hubbard. In Elbert Hubbard’s essay,  A Message to Garcia written in 1899, he talks about initiative a lot. He talks about how we as a people need to have more initiative in everything we do. In our other half of our discussion today we talked about arete, a Greek word meaning excellence. Arete also stands for moral virtues and fulfillment of purpose or function, and THE ACT OF LIVING UP TO ONE’S FULL POTENTIAL. Arete explains how the human species itself is amazing because we have a special ability which is our knowledge. All our other human abilities come from our knowledge. Arete means that our knowledge is our excellence and our highest potential is our knowledge about knowledge. So as humans we are at our highest potential just by knowing our knowledge. 

A message to Garcia and how it relates to today

Today in class we learned some more facts about a message to Garcia and what the essay’s purpose was for. In the remaining paragraphs that we read, we learned how the author viewed people in that time period. He thought of society as lazy people who make excuses not to do work. I think this thought can also apply to today’s world because many adults and student likes to make excuses not to do work. He also made a god point about doing what your supposed to. He mentioned that most people would stop working when their boss isn’t looking, or don’t do their job as well as they should because no one is around. I agree with this, many students don’t show their potential when they are outside of school then inside school with a teacher nearby. He thought of people so lazy that he also said that it would be a miracle to find a good working person who will do what they are told. Also, that the person will be valued in their work and not want to be let go. I think a message to Garcia applies to...

A message to Garcia 1899 blog

Today in class we talked about two different things. First about the struggles of high school and second about an essay written in 1899 called  A Message to Garcia . Both topics that we discussed had a connection and were similar. In the essay it talks about a man, Garcia, who is nowhere to be found and he needs to get a message. One man, Rowan, accepts the task with no questions, frustrations, or getting upset. He ended up finding Garcia and delivering the message. This can relate to the other topic we talked about, the struggles of high school, in many ways. The essay is telling the readers that in today’s world there are not many people who would volunteer or accept a task without complaining. Many people would ask questions or tell someone else to do it. We can remember this and try to accept our tasks every day without complaining or getting frustrated. We need to be more like Rowan. 

My first day at JC

My experience today consisted of feeling anxious, tried, and excited. I didn't just have the experience of a new school, but I also had the experience of my first day in high school. In the beginning of the day I was anxious and overwhelmed. As my day went on I got to know my teachers and how my classes were going to be like. One of my favorite classes was probably health and wellness or my off mod. I had never had an off mod before in my other school so it was a new experience for me. In honors Human Geography I liked my seat I was given. I wasn't to far back and I wasn't in the very front. I feel like I can focus really well in my seat. I also liked the lights in the room, it was really calming and I felt like I could relax and just focus on my school work. I had a good day, and I feel ready for the rest of the year.