
Showing posts from November, 2019


Today in class we took our test on the 5 major religions. The major religions were Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. I think I knew the first half of the test (about half the questions), but I wasn't confident about the back. I think the questions on the front were easier because they were questions that we studied on the quilt. On the back there were some questions that I didn't know. one of the questions I didn't know was something like, which religion associates with "nirvana"? I didn't know that one, so I guessed. I also want sure about the Abraham questions. There were about 2-3 of those and I guessed 1 or 2 of those too. I also didn’t remember some of the geographical locations of some of the religions, but I could have studied those more. I don’t think I got any higher than a 90, but I don’t think I failed. 

Review for Test

Today in class we reviewed for our test and heard some interesting stories about movies. First, we did a quizlet which I thought was very helpful. I liked how we saw the answers first and then had to say the definition because I think I learned better the way. I will probably use that to study for the test on Monday. I think I will do well on the test because it is only 50 points and it only has 25 questions, so I don't think it will be too hard. In the other part of class, we heard about some cool movie stories. I thought the helicopter story was kind of terrifying, and the Home Alone stories were cool. Home Alone is one of my favorite Christmas movies and it was so cool to hear that our teacher knew the home alone kid. This weekend I will study the quizlet, the slideshow, and my notes for the test. 

Finishing the 5 major religion notes

Today in class we finished taking notes on the 5 major world religions. In the last class we took notes and learned about Christianity. This class we learned about Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Islam is the second biggest religion with 1.5 billion people practicing it. They are called Muslims, they are located in Indonesia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Their founder is Muhammad and they are monotheistic and Abrahamic. They believe in the 5 pillars which are testimony, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage. The 3 biggest religion was Hinduism which has 1.1 billion people practicing it. They are called Hindus and they are located in India and Nepal. The book they worship from in called the Vedas which is most times memorized and sung. No one founded tis religion, it is not like most religions and it is more of a way of life. They believe in reincarnation. The next religion was Buddhism which has 500 mil-1.5 billion people practicing. They are called Buddhists and t...

5 major religions

Today in class we got our test scores and reviewed our test. I got a 95 on my test. I am very happy with my grade and I think I did my best. I got 2 questions wrong, one was about infrastructure the other one was about the CIA world Fact book. The other part of class we started learning about the next topic which was the 5 major religions. The 5 major religions were Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. 2.2 billion people are Christians. Many Christians are located in Europe, the Americas, and Southern Africa. I think this is the easiest religion to remember because I am catholic (Christian). We did not talk about the rest of the religions in class because we ran out of time, but I am probably going to look over them because we only have one more class until our test. 


Today in class we took our test on population, migration, and population pyramids. It was basically on most things from our last test and on the stuff, we have been learning in class for the past month. It had questions on immigration, emigration, which country had high life expectancy, crude birth and death rate, GDP per capita, and some predictions of population pyramid sin the future. I think I prepared myself well. I am definitely glad that I went over and looked through the population power point became there were a lot of questions that I would not have known, if I didn't glance at the PowerPoint before the test. It also definitely helped to try and watch the video before taking the test because, it showed what some country's population pyramids looked like. The only thing I wasn’t sure I got right was the questions about infrastructure, but I felt good about the rest of the questions. I think I did well on the test. 

Test Review

Today in class we reviewed for our test on Monday. We watched the video about population pyramids again to refresh our memories and we also took some notes on the video. I am glad we watched the video again because I learned that on the population pyramid, men are on the left and women are on the right. the population pyramid is divided into sections. Age 0-14 id the pre reproductive, 15-44 is reproductive, and 45+ is post reproductive. In the video they also showed 3 country's population pyramids. Japan, Canada, and Rwanda. Japan's population pyramid was long at the stop and smaller towards the bottom, meaning their population is decreasing. Canada's population pyramid was mostly the same length, but smaller at the bottom, this means that their population might start to decrease soon. Rwanda’s population pyramid was like the opposite of Japan. It was smaller at the top and long as it went down, this means that their population is increasing. In class we also watched Jeopa...


Today in class we watched the last presentation and then graded our groups presentation. The last group that presented was on Italy and Tanzania. I learned a lot about Africa while listening to their presentation. I learned that Tanzania is a sub-Saharan African country. When I pictured Africa, I thought everyone in Africa was poor and in poverty. After looking at some pictures of the biggest city in Tanzania, I was shocked to see that it looked like any other big city you would see in the U.S. or any other rich country. The other part of class, we had to grade our members in our group on their part of their presentation. I gave, myself a 95 because I think I created my slide well and worked well, but I think I could have said more information while I was presenting. I gave the other members in our group a good/passing grade because some did more work than others, but everyone did their part of the presentation.  


Today in class we presented our projects. Our projects were on Problems in Japan, Solutions in Japan, Problems in Vietnam, and solutions in Vietnam. My slide that I presented was problems in Vietnam. My slide summarized Vietnam's lack of education, Low GDP per capita, and a struggling middle class. I think I presented my slide well. I think I could have added some more points, but I think I said what I needed to. I also think the other people in my group did well too. Besides my own presentation, I also learned some things from other group's projects. I learned that Columbia is filled with a lot of drug dealers. Drug dealing in Columbia is a huge business that is making a lot of money, but that isn't good. I also learned that a country named Yamen is very poor and has bad water. I learned many things about Vietnam and Japan from researching my project as well. I liked doing this project and I wouldn’t mind doing another project like this one.  

Project Power Point

Today in class we worked on our developing and post developing countries Power Point. For our developing country we choose Vietnam and for our postindustrial country we choose Japan. Our problem for Vietnam was lack of education, low GDP per capita, and a struggling middle class. There wasn't that many problems because Vietnam is doing well. Our solutions for our problems for Vietnam were to spend more money on education so kids can get a better education to get a better job. Then that will raise the GDP per capita. Another thing we said as a solution would be if the population decreased. Looking at Vietnam's population pyramid's, it looks like their population is going to decrease. That will be a good thing because then there will be a higher GDP per capita and there went be a struggling middle class. We also did problems and in solutions in Japan. I think I am ready to present.  


Today in class we worked on a project. First, we got in four groups. Mine had five people. We had to pick a developing country and a post industrialized country. For our developing country we picked Vietnam and for our post industrialized country we picked Japan. We started a Power Point with 4 slides. Problems in Vietnam, Solutions for Vietnam, Problems in Japan, and Solutions for Japan. We also started a word document to gather all of our information. The main website we used was the CIA World Fact book. We learned that Japan's population is decreasing, and their economy is struggling. We also learned that Vietnam's economy is increasing. We still have to research more about the problems in Japan and Vietnam. Then we have to think of solutions to solve those problems. Then put it on our Power Point and review it. We should hopefully finish that next class.    

Quiz Review

Today in class we reviewed for our pop quiz. We basically talked about all the stuff we have been talking about which is population, migration, and the CIA World Fact book. I learned some new things that I didn't even know. Like I didn't know that CIA stranded for the Central Intelligence Agency, but that makes sense since it talks about world. I like using that website because it is cool to see the comparison between countries. It is also an easy way to see what countries have the best or worst of something. It is also a really easy way to find information about any country in the world. I also like looking at the population pyramids because they are a different way of looking at our population and other countries population. It can help predict if a population in a place is going to increase or decrease. After reviewing in class, I think I am ready for the quiz. 

CIA World Facebook and Population Pyramids

CIA World Factbook 1. The country with the lowest Net Migration Rate is Lebanon. The rate was -40.30.  - I found this fact interesting because this means that they have more emigrants than immigrants. This also means that they have a lot of push forces in their country to make all those people leave. Tis relates to what we do in class because we talked about push and pull forces.  2. The country with the highest GDP per capita is  LIECHTENSTEIN  and the country with the lowest GDP per capita is  CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC .  - I found this interesting because this shows not only the money that is made in these countries, but also the lifestyles that these people live. One is richer and more stable, and the other country is poor and probably barley living off the money they are given. This relates to what we do in class because we discussed GDP per capita and about the rich and poor countries.  3. The country with the highest death rate i...

Video Quiz

Today in class we watched the video by Hans Rosling again and we talked more about it. Then we also took a quiz on the video. I got an 8/10 on it. The two things that I got wrong was that I put income instead of GDP per capita. The other thing I got wrong was that I didn't know the other catastrophe besides the Spanish flu. Going over and watching the video again helped me with the quiz a lot because I learned more things that were important parts of the test. I hope that getting an 8/10 won't start me off with a bad grade in semester 2, but that grade isn't that bad. I thought the quiz was easy, I just didn't remember some things. One thing I didn't know, was where Ghana was on the graph. I knew where U.S.A. and China were, but I guessed where Ghana was. I got it right though. I am happy with my grade for quarter 1.