
Showing posts from October, 2019


Today in class we watched a video of a Swedish guy named Hans Rosling. In the short video he talked about life expectancy, income, grown old decreasing economies all around the time of 1810 to 2009. It was cool how he explained the data. He was very excited to talk about economies. He showed a chart that had life expectancy on the vertical left side and income on the horizontal bottom line. In 1810 most of the people in the world were poor and sick. the life expectancy for most countries was below 40. As time went on, the life expectancy and income increased for most countries. Around 1910-1920 some countries life expectancy dropped because of illness. In 1948 the difference in life expectancy, income, and economies were the greatest. At the time the U.S.A. was one of the best economy countries. By 2009, a lot of countries moved more towards better economy on the chart. The video helped me learn more about the economies in a different way. 

Population Pyramid

Today in class we finished reviewing our test and we went over the video we took notes on last class. I am glad I got one of the bonus questions right because it pushed up my grade. I am happy that we talked about the video because we went not more detail of the population pyramid and I learned more about it. While taking about the topic, it made me think about all the why's, what's, and the how's about the population pyramid. It made me question why is the population decreasing?  Why is it increasing? What caused the population to increase or decrease? How can we increase or decrease the population? How will the population change? I understand the meaning of the population pyramid better and I think it is a good way to see the change in population over time. Also, to see the population in age groups and genders. The population pyramid is a good way to see differences in populations.  

Test Score

Today in class we watched a video, took notes, and went over part of our test. The video was cool. It was about the population pyramid. The population pyramid shows the population of a place in a specific way. The information is divided by female and male. Female is on one side and male is on the other. Next to the gender shows the population of each gender in the place.  The ages are grouped by 0-14 as pre reproductive, 15-44 as reproductive, and 45 + as post reproductive. Th population pyramid can be used to predict a country's future and see the record of its past. The other part of class we talked about some of our test. I got an 88 but it ended up being a 90 because I got one bonus question right. I am happy with my grade. Everything that I got wrong were things that I didn’t know, like population pyramid. I think I studied well. 


Today we took our test. I wasn't too worried about it, but one thing I was worried about was the timed section for the CIA world Facebook questions. I didn't go over the 21 question we ad for hw one night, but I realized it wasn't that bad and I finished the questions in time. The rest of the test was not that bad, but I am not confident with some of my answers for the vocab. I studied the vocab, but I didn't know what maternal mortality rate or population pyramid were. I tried to figure them out though. I feel confident about my answers for the push and pull questions. On the bonus section on the test, I think I got the first one right, but I didn't know the second one. For the next test I will make sure to study all my notes and any power points from class. 

Review for test

Today in class we reviewed for our test tomorrow. We reviewed for our test by looking over the PowerPoint, taking about what was on each slide, going over vocab, and remembering what to study to prepare. To prepare myself the best I’m probably going to review y vocab worlds and look over my notes. I will probably also look at my blog to see if I missed anything. I understand the birth rate, death rate, migration, immigrants, and emigrants. The equation to find the net migration rate is death rate subtracted from the birth rate. I think I should study the chart of population over time because I am not sure the exact dates when we reached 1-7 billion. I think I am familiar with the reasons why women live longer than men. The reasons are that women go to the doctors more often, they are more concerned with their health, usually don't do as reckless things as men, and usually don't have as dangerous jobs. I think I am ready for the test, but I still need to study some things. 

CIA World Factbook

Today in class we went over our answers for our questions in last night's blog. By going over our answers we also learned more about the CIA world Facebook. The CIA world fact book is a great tool for most answers you have about the world and facts about countries. It tells you everything from the population of each country to the economy, money, religious groups, race, migration, and many more things. I think the questions last night helped me get more familiar with the CIA world Facebook because I had to look up different countries and charts to find my answers. I also learned a lot about our world from the CIA world Facebook. I learned that we aren't the wealthiest country. We aren't even top 5 or 10. I also didn’t know that India was the big or had that many people. India is the second most populated country in the world. China is the first, but I already knew that. China and India together make up about 1/3 of our world population and those are only 2 countries. I wil...


What is the population of China, and of India?  China's population is 1,384,688,986   India's population is 1,296,834,042   What is the Total Fertility Rate in Japan? Japan's total fertility rate is 1.42 What is the death rate in El Salvador? El Salvador's death rate is   5.8 deaths/1,000 population   What percentage of the French identify “none” as their religion? Is this statistic verifiable, and why? No religion in France is 23-28%.This is verifiable because f rance has not officially collected data on religious affiliation since the 1872. This effects France's religious count.  What percentage of Mexicans identify themselves as Roman Catholic? Roman Catholics in Mexico is 82.7% What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in the United States? The GDP in the U.S. is $59,800 What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Nigeria? The GDP in Nigeria is $5,900 What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg? The GDP in Luxembourg is...

Migration (late blog)

Today in class we talked mostly about migration. We discussed immigration, emigration, and hoe they are different. Immigration is an excess of persons entering the country. Emigration is an excess of persons leaving the country. Immigration is written as a positive number and emigration is written as a negative number. We also learned what net migration rate means. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year. We talked about migration a lot because it is a big issue in our country and other countries. Immigration is a big problem in the U.S.A. and emigration is a big problem in Mexico. Many Mexicans are leaving their county to come to ours which causes our population to increase and Mexico's population to decrease. Some reasons why people would want to leave their country would be if a war was happening, employment wasn’t high, because of a religious problem, and more. Some reasons why people would want to go to a...

Population through history

Today in class we talked did more slides on our power point. the slides we went over today were about life expectancy. I learned that life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. it doesn't mean how long you will live, but the average life of a person in your generation or year. We talked about a chart in the PowerPoint that showed the population on Earth throughout history. In 1804 we reached 1 billion in our population. 123 years later we reached a population of 2 billion. 33 years later we reached a population of 3 billion. Only 14 years later we reached a population of 4 billion. Then 0nly 13 years later we reached a population of 5 billion. !2 years later we reached a population of 6 billion. Another 12 years later we reached a population of 7 billion people. This was in 2011. Now we have a population around 7.6 billion people. 


Today in class we started a PowerPoint about population and settlement. The PowerPoint explained the population around the world and how it is changing. There are over 7.6 billion people in the world right now and it increases our 73 million a year. Most of this comes from Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. Another thing we did in class was look at a population clock. The population clock showed the number of births, deaths, and more things. It showed the population in the U.S.A and the population of the world. It would increase and decrease depending on if someone died or was born. It also showed the top 5 most populated countries. China was in the lead, then India, United States, Indonesia, and then Pakistan. It’s cool to think that someone is born about every 8 seconds, but sad to watch that someone dies about every 11 seconds.  I was so cool to see the population increase a lot every second.

Tests back

Today we got our test back and went over them. I was satisfied with my grade of a 78%. I was not surprised by that grade because I was not confident with some of the questions when I took the test. I don't think the questions were hard, I just didn't remember the relative and the absolute location questions. One thing that I did feel was unfair, was that our class did not go over some of the slides that were on the test. The questions that I did not feel confident with, were the ones on the slides that we did not go over. Most of the other questions on the test that were on the slides we went over, I felt more confident about. I also feel that the question about the 93 degrees north was unfair because I didn’t know that the map only went to 90 degrees north and South. I also agree that I should have known that information already, but I didn’t. I am excited though that we are getting point for 2 questions that many people struggled with. 


Today in class we took a test on maps, latitude, longitude, and time zones. I though the test was ok, but some parts were definitely harder than others. I think I did well on the first page about maps and cartography. I don't think I did good on the section about location. I had a hard time with the relative and absolute questions. I wasn't sure what locations were relative and what were absolute because I didn't study them enough, I guess. I mostly guessed on that part and I would not be surprised if did not do well on them. I also struggled with the question about UTC and what it stands for. I didn't remember what it stood for, so I guessed on that one too. IWars confident on the attitude and longitude art because I remembered longitude is up and down and latitude is side to side and is parallel. Next test I will remember to study everything we talk about in class. 

Pop Quiz

Today in class I got to finish my argument against time zones, take a pop quiz, and talk about the PSAT's. I still believe the we should abolish time zones or something similar even after hearing more arguments. I think it will benefit everyone. I was really surprised that we had a pop quiz today, but I think I git an 80%. Not the best score, but I am not upset about it. I definitely think I need to study for the test tomorrow because I was a little confused when I was taking my pop quiz. I think I just need to study my notes in my notebook from before. I felt very reieved that we talked about the PSAT’s because I really wasn’t sure what they were and I made me feel better talking about it. I am so happy that it does not really count towards most things. I also learned that it is a good way to see what you are good at and what topics you need to study more for the SAT’s. I feel better about taking them now. 

Timezone Debate

Today was a special day in class. Today was the debate about time zones. We rotated between the group against time zones, the group for keeping tie zones, and in the middle. I found that by listening to all different perspectives of everyone's debate in the class, that I have learned a lot more about tie zones. It made me think about what they were saying and how I could argue their point or if I agreed with them to add on to my argument. Some people's point made me think of things I have never thought about time zones and what they effect. I really wish I could've gone today, but now I will just be even more prepared for next class. I hope we do more of these things I class because I thought it was fun. I have never really done something like this before, so it was a new experience for me. 

Reasons against Time Zones

Today's class was entirely different from any other class we have had. I really enjoyed the class because it made the topic about time zones more interesting. In class we decided if we were against time zones, for time zones, and if you weren't sure on where you stood on the situation. I picked against time zones because there are many reasons why I think time zones should not be a thing. My view on time zones is the they just take everything more confusing than it needs to be. My proposal for a better functioning plan is to start using a 24-hour military time clock around the world. If the world all used the same clock, then we would all be on the same time. This would help airplanes, any transportation, and for those people who don't understand time zones. The only problem with the would be that in some areas, 9 a.m. would be in the middle of the night, but 9 a.m. for us is in the morning. This problem isn't that hard to fix because we just need to get used to rememb...

Time Zones

Today we finished up our power point about grids, latitude, longitude, and time zones. I learned that a time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. When we were discussing time zones, I learned that all the time zones are not perfectly sectioned. Most of the time zones are separated so most countries follow the same time. So, the time zones are all different sizes to keep countries on the same time. The way time zoned where supposed to be section was by dividing 360 degrees around the world by 24 for the hours in a day to get 15 degrees for each time zone. Another part of our class today was talking about why time zones are good and bad and if we should change something about them. A lot of us agreed that time zones were not beneficial, and we should all just follow a 24-hour clock or just get used to p.m. being morning in some areas and a.m. being nighttime in some areas. I also agreed with the 24-hour clock b...